Tree and Shrubs Pruning
Solaris Service in Edmonton we save trees. We are your tree service preservation experts providing professional tree services. Sometimes trees are like people. They just need a little boost (trip to the Doctor) or some tender loving care. Most times a simple soil inoculation can restore a sick or stressed tree. We do consultations by appointment. If you need minor tree trimming or need the whole tree removed our professional team member can tell you what is best for your trees. Pruning is the most common tree and shrub maintenance procedure. Although forest trees and plants grow quite well with only nature’s pruning, landscape trees and plants require a higher level of care to maintain their safety and aesthetics.
Pruning should be done with an understanding of how the trees and plants respond to each cut. Improper pruning can cause damage that will last for the life of the landscaped tree, or worse, shorten its life. Your trees and shrubs represent a considerable long-term investment in your landscape. With proper tree care services these plants can provide beautiful surroundings, cooling shade, and many other benefits for decades. Our Professional Team has the knowledge, experience and training to detect many potential tree or shrub problems before they become expensive, life threatening or hazardous.